The Greenville Technical College Area Commission (GTCAC) and the South Carolina Technical College System (SCTCS) adopts policies to afford direction to the college administration for the establishment of programs and the formulation of procedures for accomplishment of the institutional mission.
It is the responsibility of the President to create administrative policies to carry out the express and implied directions of the Area Commission. It is the President’s responsibility to create detailed procedural information to support the GTCAC and SCTCS policy statements. This procedural information will be collected together and included in a publication called the Greenville Technical College Administrative Policies.
The Greenville Technical College Administrative Policies serve as the operational standard for the college and all functions administered by the college. The Policies follow all policies of the Greenville Technical College Area Commission, Statutes of the state of South Carolina, the policies and procedures of the South Carolina Technical College System and applies to all faculty and staff of Greenville Technical College.
State and Federal laws supersede the Administrative Policies. These policies serve as a resource to the college.
Greenville Technical College Administrative Policies are written directives and directions established by the administration and approved by the President. Before submission for the President’s approval, input is solicited from President’s Cabinet, individual employees, and affected departments, when appropriate. Legal counsel is sought when needed.
The need for a new Policy, or to revise or eliminate an existing Policy, can be communicated by any college employee, President’s Cabinet, or any Department.
In order to be approved, a proposed Policy must meet the following criteria:
Administrative Policies will be available to all staff and faculty at