As defined by SACSCOC and used in this policy, “a substantive change is a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of an accredited institution. Substantive change includes high-impact, high-risk changes and changes that can impact the quality of educational programs and services.”
At the earliest stage of preliminary planning, notification of any potential change must be submitted by the appropriate Vice President or their designee as outlined below to the Institutional Accreditation Liaison (IAL). The IAL is responsible for a) reviewing the proposed substantive changes; b) submitting appropriate notifications to the President; c) submitting to SACSCOC; d) monitoring notifications from SACSCOC; and e) sharing all communications to and from SACSCOC with the appropriate Vice President, their designees, and/or the President.
The SACSCOC Policy entitled Substantive Change for SACSCOC Accredited Institutions defines the term “substantive change” and provides instructions for notification or approval by SACSCOC. An institution is required to notify or secure SACSCOC approval prior to implementing a substantive change. An institution is responsible for maintaining compliance at all times with Standard 14.2 (Substantive Change) of the Principles of Accreditation and with the Substantive Change Policy and Procedures and related policies.
Please contact Lauren Simer, Greenville Technical College’s accreditation liaison if you have any questions. Please do not contact SACSCOC representatives directly as this may cause confusion. SACSCOC specifically requests that all communication flows to and from institutions via the President and/or the Institutional Accreditation Liaison (IAL).
Greenville Technical College Substantive Change Procedure
It is extremely important that we report any substantive change to SACSCOC in a timely manner. In order to ensure we are ever vigilant of this reporting requirement, there are several safeguards in place:
- Notification Procedures
- Reporting Procedures
- Communication Procedures
- Ongoing Training
- Notification and Accountability
- The Institutional Accreditation Liaison (IAL) is responsible for notifying SACSCOC of any Substantive Change and ensuring that notification is completed in a timely manner. Check for the most up-to-date contact information.
- All areas of the institution should be cognizant of their role in reporting to the IAL any planning or activities which may lead to Substantive Change. This includes, but is not limited to, the President, Vice Presidents, Deans, Directors, and Program Managers.
- As soon as potential Substantive Change is identified, an email should be sent to the IAL’s Office.
- The IAL will consult with the appropriate college authorities and the SACSCOC Institutional Representative, if appropriate to determine if the proposed change qualifies as a Substantive Change.
- If so, the IAL will outline the next steps required to report the change to SACSCOC.
- The Office of Compliance and Review (OCR) notifies the IAL of curriculum changes through the Curriculum Committee agendas and meetings.
- The IAL or their designee attends every Curriculum Committee meeting.
- The Director of the OCR is a member of the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) which includes the Vice President for Workforce Learning and Academic Deans. The Director o the OCR notifies the IAL of any potential substantive changes that may be programmatic, site-related, etc. This critical relationship ensures the IAL is informed well in advance of any changes that may impact students or the institution.
- Reporting Procedures
- As noted above, the OCR contacts the IAL if there are changes in discussion during an ILT meeting.
- The OCR sends all Curriculum Committee materials including the agenda and prior month’s meeting minutes to The IAL.
- It is The IAL’s responsibility to review the Curriculum Committee materials, attend the meetings, and ask questions.
- As soon as the change is confirmed as Substantive and requiring formal notification to SACSCOC, the IAL will coordinate preparation of any required materials, letters, prospectus, etc.
- A Substantive Change Evaluation Rubric for determining programmatic substantive change is available on GTC4me or by contacting the IAL’s office.
- Materials will be forwarded to SACSCOC under signature of the IAL and communication will forwarded to the President, the Vice President that submitted the request, and any other college entities impacted.
- Communication Procedures
- All communiques with SACSCOC regarding Substantive Change will be stored on the shared Institutional Effectiveness drive in the Substantive Change Folder and a print copy will be stored in a three-ring binder in the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.
- All Substantive Change documentation will be tracked on the spreadsheet stored on the same drive.
- Any changes that do not rise to the level of a material change will be documented in a memo, noted on the spreadsheet as “not Substantive Change” with an appropriate explanation, and filed accordingly.
- Appropriate college personnel will have access to the shared drive in order to share documents and download information as it becomes available.
- The IAL is responsible for ensuring the appropriate college personnel receive memos and other communication from SACSCOC in a timely manner.
- Other college entities (in particular, the academic deans) are responsible for ensuring the IAL has the necessary information to report Substantive Change to SACSCOC in a timely manner.
- Ongoing Training
- SACSCOC Workshops – The College will send representatives to any SACSCOC Substantive Change Workshops offered.
- Updates will be provided through the college’s Success Check Webinars, emails from the IAL, Leadership Meetings, and Departmental meetings. All department heads, assistant deans, deans and other college administrators are responsible for disseminating the information shared in these meetings.
- Departmental Training – Individual departments may request training from the IE Office or check the SACSCOC Website for ongoing webinars.