Before applying for a student loan, be sure you will be able to pay your student loan debt to avoid defaulting on your loan and jeopardizing your credit rating.
How much student loan debt can you afford?
Use a loan calculator to determine your monthly payment. Go to:
Problem with federal student loans?
The FSA Student Loan Ombudsman's Office may be able to help.
Under this program, students receive a low interest loan. Dependent students may borrow up to $5,500 for the first year of undergraduate study and up to $6,500 for the second year. Independent students may borrow up to $9,500 for the first year of undergraduate study and up to $10,500 for the second year. Dependency is determined by the U.S. Department of Education via the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
See information and explanation for interest rates for federal loans »
Students with a bachelor's degree are eligible for federal loans.
Follow these steps to obtain a Federal Direct Stafford student loan:
This non-need-based loan is awarded to the parents of students. Parents may borrow a limited amount not to exceed the estimated cost of attendance minus other financial aid awarded during the period of enrollment. The US Department of Education is the lender for these loans. Direct PLUS loans are based on a credit check.
Borrowers whose Direct PLUS loan credit check is denied based on adverse credit history
In either of these cases, the applicant will be REQUIRED to complete PLUS Counseling at