Greenville Technical College's website ( is one of our most important marketing tools to attract potential students, faculty and staff, donors, corporate partners and other visitors. The site also provides information for parents, alumni, the media and the community. With so many diverse audiences, a clear mission for the use of the site is imperative to the accurate portrayal of the college.
Each area within Greenville Technical College has specific audiences and specific functions. While the content will vary from page to page, the look and feel should be consistent. In order to present our college in a unified manner, it is imperative that these guidelines for the creation and maintenance of page(s) be followed.
The Greenville Technical College website guidelines explained here have been established to assist website content editors in making informed decisions based on standards for optimal visitor experiences and Section 508 (ADA) accessibility compliance. The guidelines also assist website content editors in communicating with their target audiences and reflecting central themes that are important when preparing web pages, including clarity of purpose, access for all visitors, ease of use and consistent branding.
Greenville Technical College web page: any digital page created or maintained by or on behalf of Greenville Technical College or an office, department or division of Greenville Technical College and located and maintained within Greenville Technical College's information technology environment; i.e., signified by the address "" or within the range of Internet protocol addresses assigned to Greenville Technical College.
Content: the words, and sometimes visual elements, contained within the structure of a web page and usually different on each page.
Static Areas: the part of the web page that is predetermined by the design of the website, for example, the major navigation that appears on each page.
Hyperlink: A logo, text or other identifier incorporating a link to another web page, which may be within the Greenville Technical College site or to a website external to Greenville Technical College, placed on a Greenville Technical College web page without compensation.
Digital ad: A digital advertisement placed on a website, above, below or to the side of the site's main content area.
As part of its mission to give visitors to Greenville Technical College's website an accurate and positive representation of students, alumni, faculty and staff, Marketing and Communications and OIT support and share responsibility with CMS content editors.
Marketing and Communications and OIT are best able to assist clients who work within the Website Guidelines.
While there is certainly overlap in the responsibilities of editors and approvers, editors generally are responsible for initiating content changes to ensure that web information is up to date. Approvers have the role of determining if web information is accurate.
Editors and approvers should strive to make their content as accurate as possible and should verify that web content changes are always made in a timely manner to maintain an up-to-date and accurate website.
Both editors and approvers should also maintain the highest editorial standards, including proper spelling, grammar and sentence structure.
For detailed information about the roles of the editor and the approver, refer to your CMS training materials.
All pages must be in compliance with the appropriate college policies, including the Website Guidelines, Marketing Writing Style Guide and the Visual Identity Guidelines, as well as applicable local, state and federal laws. The state of South Carolina is engaged in making state government information on the web accessible to those with functional impairments in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998.Generally, there are three areas of creative input within individual web pages:
Responsibility for the copy content lies with the individual departments - they know the subject best. Marketing and Communications will help them better express what they know to be most important to those seeking more information about that subject.
Departments will also have input into decisions about visual content, while Marketing and Communications will maintain final selection. Marketing and Communications depends on the knowledge the departments bring as to what will properly represent their program from a visual perspective. Photos must meet standards for quality, but every effort will be made to help the department represent their programs how they feel works best. Other visuals may include illustrations or buttons and must be approved and posted by Marketing and Communications.
The third area, page layout and arrangement of elements, will remain the responsibility of Marketing and Communications. Because the website is such an important marketing vehicle for the college, it must conform to the college's graphic standards and not present what Marketing and Communications might consider a disjointed brand to the public. Marketing and Communications works hard to ensure that the college brand (via the website, like any other communications) is presented consistently, no matter what department or service area is discussed.
Within the CMS, Marketing and Communications can create redirects for pages within the site. All page URLs will begin with From this root, you can request what short/alias URL you’d like to use. For example, URLs are case-sensitive and will be created with all lowercase letters, hyphens and no spaces.
Requests for particular short/alias URLs are considered on a first-come, first-served basis, so check to see if the URL you desire is already in use. Marketing and Communications reserves the right to refuse requests for URLs.
Things to remember when requesting a short/alias URL:
In general, photography will be provided by Marketing and Communications. Individual departments may influence the selection, but images must meet quality and communication standards set by Marketing and Communications. If you have images you want to be considered for inclusion, submit them to Marketing and Communications for review.
Videos linked from the Greenville Technical College website should maintain our quality standards, and the subject matter should be of interest to the audience. All videos must be closed captioned or a script provided.
The Greenville Technical College website does not support housing of videos due to the demands on capacity. However, Marketing and Communications may suggest housing videos that are relevant on our YouTube Channel, then linking from the website page to that location. Embedding videos within Greenville Technical College website pages will be used sparingly and will be done at the discretion of Marketing and Communications.
Areas of the college wishing to include a link to a video should contact Marketing and Communications for approval and posting.
Consistent with college and state policy on the appropriate use of college-owned equipment, the college's web page must not be used for commercial, non-mission-related purposes.
In practice, this means that advertising space cannot be sold in any place on the website. "Advertising" refers to any situation in which the college, or one of its units, receives payment or in-kind gifts in exchange for a link or brand placement on a Greenville Technical College web page.
While advertising cannot be sold, links to commercial vendors may be made in the following specific situations:
Such links should in no way imply endorsement of products or services offered by the external entity. Any descriptive text accompanying the link should be value-neutral. Acceptable language might include "For more information: [link]." Unacceptable language: "Check out this great website [link]." Such links should go to the home page of the entity's website and, wherever possible, links should not go to pages on which products or commercial services are offered for sale. The logo, text or graphic should not include any qualitative or comparative language or descriptions of the outside party's products, services, facilities or company, including but not limited to price information, inducement to purchase, endorsements, savings or value.
Particularly in cases where a group of external hyperlinks is included, the following language is recommended for inclusion: "Links to websites external to Greenville Technical College should not be considered endorsement of those websites or any information contained therein."
In all cases, the design of departmental or area pages that incorporate commercial links must be consistent with established graphic and placement standards for Greenville Technical College web pages.