Feb 2014
Get a jump start on completing the FAFSA! The Financial Aid office will be sponsoring free workshops called FAFSA Fridays. Financial aid officers will be available in the ARC computer lab to assist students in completing their 2014-2015 FAFSA every Friday from February 14 to April 18 from 8 a.m. until noon. Sessions will also be held at the Brashier Campus from 8 a.m. until noon on February 14 and March 14, at the Greer Campus on February 21 and April 4, and at the Northwest Campus on February 28 and April 11. Please bring your 2013 federal tax returns (if filed) for the following people depending on your status: independent students (student and spouse, if married); dependent students (student and parent). If you do not know or lost your PIN (personal identification number), please visit www.pin.ed.gov. Students and at least one parent of dependent students must request a PIN. Sessions are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, so please contact FAFSAFridays@gvltec.edu to schedule your appointment!