Greenville Technical will host its 5th MLK Day of Service on Monday, January 16, 2017 from 8:30 to noon in the Student Center on the college’s Barton Campus.
Continuing a tradition of on-site service-to-go projects, efforts will benefit the Salvation Army, Regency Hospice, A Child’s Haven, Providence Care Hospice, and the Greenville Technical College Child Development Center. Teams will rotate through stations completing impactful projects that meet the needs of the various agencies served. Close to 200 volunteers representing students, faculty, staff and the Greenville community are expected to gather to reflect Dr. King’s vision for unity and selfless service.
The community is invited to participate in this day of service. To sign up, visit tiny.cc/GTCMLK17 or contact Tomeika Bennett at (864) 250-8825.