This year marks the 100th anniversary of the United States’ participation in World War I. To commemorate this anniversary, the Greenville Technical College Barton Campus Library will host a lecture series and a special exhibit, “Greenville in the Great War” on loan from the Greenville County Library (GCL). The exhibit and lecture series are open to the public.
“Greenville in the Great War” includes images about life in Greenville during the early 1900s, WWI recruiting materials and Camp Sevier. The exhibit will be on display through Nov. 16. The library will be open Saturday, Nov. 4 during Community Fest @ Greenville Tech (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.) for a special, extended time to view this exhibit with friends and family.
WWI lecture series dates, speakers and topics include:
“World War I and South Carolina,” Thursday, Oct. 26, 2-3 p.m., Barton Library Scholars’ Corner. GTC History Instructor Kevin Kerr will explore the impact of WWI in South Carolina, as well as the role South Carolina played in the war.
“Genealogy in the early 20th Century: Immigration to Greenville,” Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2-3 p.m., Barton Library Scholars’ Corner. Rulinda Price, archivist from Greenville County Public Library’s History Room, will offer a discussion on early 20th Century Greenville and the formation of the Textile Crescent on the city’s west side. Census records will be used to show immigration patterns for “alien” residents, a term used by census officials, as well as U.S. citizens, as they migrated to the area. Ancestry.com and other databases provided by GCL will be reviewed to assist attendees interested in researching their personal genealogy.
“World War I Panel Discussion,” Thursday, Nov. 9, 2:30-4 p.m., Barton Library Scholars’ Corner. Features GTC History Professors Justin Eaddy, Shannon O’Bryan, Dr. Lee McAbee, and Michael Bryan. Various aspects of the war as well as its after-effects will be discussed.
“Funeral Practices in the Early 1900s,” Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2:30-3:30 p.m., Barton Library Scholars’ Corner. A lecture by Tim Cox, funeral director at Thomas McAfee Funeral Home. Cox has over 30 years of funeral experience and is an avid reader and student of American History.
Other upcoming events at the Barton Campus library include:
“Halloween Make-up by GTC Cosmetology,” Tuesday, Oct. 31, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., TRC lobby. Need make-up to match your costume? Come have your face decorated professionally by GTC Cosmetology students.
“NaNoWriMo Write-In,” Wednesday, Nov. 1, 6-7:30 p.m., Barton Library. National Novel Writing Month kick-off event. Come into the library, find a comfy space, talk to other writers and “get your write on.”
For more information about these events and/or the Barton Campus Library, visit http://libguides.gvltec.edu/library or call (864) 250-8319.