Greenville Technical College’s Marketing and Communications department has been honored with six National Council for Marketing and Public Relations (NCMPR) Awards. The awards were presented at the NCMPR Medallion Awards Ceremony at the District 2 Fall Conference in Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 30.
GTC received a gold, a silver and four bronzes in six categories recognizing excellence in design and communication at community and technical colleges at the district level. Greenville Tech is a member of NCMPR District 2, which includes 11 southeastern states – Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia – as well as Bermuda, British Virgin Islands and The Bahamas.
“Being recognized by one’s peers for telling the incredible story of our students and faculty is always rewarding. When it is the result of the combined efforts of the great team of professionals that we have in the Marketing and Communications department, it is especially meaningful,” said Amy Mathis, creative director at GTC.
Joshua Friesen, director of marketing and communications at Greenville Tech, echoed Mathis and added, “What I am most proud about is the diversity represented in the materials awarded. They showcase the depth and breadth of Greenville Technical College through a broad span of student demographics, staff, faculty and programs offered while representing efforts across a variety of marketing platforms.”
List of Greenville Technical College winners below.
- Social Media or Online Marketing Campaign, gold
“Eclipse 2017” Campaign
- Print Advertisement (single or series), silver
“Experience Greenville Tech” Series
- Flyer, bronze
Adventure Tech Summer Camps Bookmark
- Novelty Advertising, bronze
“Community Fest @ Greenville Tech” Coloring Book
- Special Event or Fundraising Campaign, bronze
“Community Fest @ Greenville Tech” Campaign
- Postcard (single or series), bronze
“Experience Greenville Tech” High School Postcard Series
These six awards add to nine Medallion awards the college has been awarded at this regional competition in the last four years, including five gold medals for print Viewbook design (2017), one each for video/TV commercials, single and series (2016), and radio advertising (2014).
To learn more about the college’s Marketing and Communications department, visit www.gvltec.edu/marcom/.
The National Council for Marketing & Public Relations (NCMPR) is the leading professional development association exclusively serving those working in communication at two-year community and technical colleges. www.ncmpr.org/
(Pictured) Shown accepting the awards on behalf of the college are Amy Mathis (left), creative director, and Kelley Roark, director of programmatic PR and customer engagement manager.